COVID Reset Button

March 2020

It’s hard to think about anything good coming out of this pandemic. If there is one thing, I hope it helps the world to hit the reset button on compassion and love for each other. The last four years have had so much negativity, lying, disrespect.

Times like these help us to see more clearly about what in life is truly important and what are just distractions to avoid the truth.

In the last month, I’ve seen so many people seizing any opportunity to help each other. It gives me hope in humanity. There is a hunger and thirst for positive human connection! Yes, it is harder with social distancing, but still possible.

Call your people. Don’t forget the single folks out there, too. Even a 1 minute contact with each other helps to not feel alone and afraid.

amy friend

Amy Friend is the Manager of Learning Technology and User Experience at Corning, Inc., the world leader in glass manufacturing. She holds an MS in Instructional Technology, is a Certified Black Belt and is an ASQ Certified Quality Manager. These skills enable her passion for performance and "lean learning." She is a champion for users at Corning, focusing on improving the value of learning for learners and the business. While working at eCornell she transitioned from traditional ADDIE model to agile which reduced time to market from 12+ months to just under 3 weeks and over $200K to $18K in development cost. As Manager of a global medical device communications department, she delivered multi-million dollar savings while responsible for content creation, localization, content management and deployment of documentation and training. The savings enabled expansion to new markets. As a Black Belt at Kodak, she delivered double-digit improvements with customer satisfaction for global service and saved $4M in warranty costs. She is also a proud Super Host for AirBNB. For more information go to

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