Hermiting Season
January 2020
Hermitting Season is officially over!
Webster’s Dictionary defines a hermit as a longer, someone who is isolated. At our house it means something different. Each year at our house, around November through January-ish, we recognize the Hermiting Season. This is a time to go within yourself and reflect on how the year ending was and what to hope for in the next year. Think about what happened, where I want to go, and what I need to either keep doing the same and/or do differently. It is NOT holing up under the covers in bed watching movies all weekend!
I used a favorite “cool tool”, Canva, to make a graphic to represent my season. It reads left to right and represents the journey. The emotions I started with, the path to get there and the words that reflect where I want to be.
It was fun and very helpful to have the community and fun to learn more about tarot! www.facebook.com/valeriefromteaandtarot/